Call of the Kookaburra is the third in a series that follows several British women who were transported to Australia in the 19th Century for their ‘crimes’. This novel is certainly the best of the three.
The story begins in Bath and then shifts to Australia where the focus is on Jane Bell, a young woman who is not a convict but who has been sent to New South Wales by her father because she was an embarrassment to the family. Jane’s challenges in coming to terms with parental rejection, and trying to adjust to a new life among settlers and transported convicts, makes for an absorbing story as she encounters a wide range of characters, ranging from well-meaning women to cynical charlatans. As the story progresses her life becomes complicated, leaving the readers wondering how she will resolve the issues that beset her.
The novel’s characters are set within informative and interesting descriptions of New South Wales as it aims to progress from a convict colony to a attractive settlement in a new land.
All in all, a very enjoyable read.
Dr John Reynods